Research Sources

Chronicle of the Roman Emperors, Chris Scarre
The Making of Ireland, James Lydon
The World of the Celts, Simon James
Celtic Goddesses, Miranda Greer
Mythic Ireland, Michael Dames
The Gallic War, Caesar
Warfare in the Classical World, John Warry
The Tain: Translated by Thomas Kinsella
Life of St. Columba, Adoman of Iona
Celtic Names for Children, Loreto Todd
Irish Cures, Mystic Charms and Superstitions, Lady Wilde
Witches & Neighbors, Robin Briggs
Clans and Families of Ireland, John Grenham
Book of Irish Names, Ronan Coghlan, Ira Grehan & P. W. Joyce
Irish Family Histories, Ida Grehan

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